Thanks for your writeups! I saw your analyse on Ferguson and Masco, do you know RCH.TO? I think it’s perfect for your. It’s Canadian company but a serial acquirer (Roll Up) in hardware.

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I published the part 1 of a deep dive on richelieeu hardware is my substack yesterday wintergems.substack.com

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Excellent write-up, enjoyed reading.

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Hi Max and Marathoner,

Yes Richelieu is a strong company, high ROIC ~20%, good capital allocation and high insider ownership. Richelieu is a distributor of specialty hardware in Canada and US - have been trying to identify closest direct competitor but struggled with this - do either of you know who it could be? (I actually think it might be Masco Although masco focuses more on manufacturing as opposed to distribution) if you find any useful info on Richelieu then please do share.

All the best,


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